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F is for Food

Write down all the foods you like to eat.
is a helpful resource filled with nutritional guidelines and fun activitiesEating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert

A – alphabet soup, animal crackers, apples, applesauce, almonds, asparagus, avocados
B – bread, blueberries, blackberries, bagels, bananas, bacon, bananas, beans, beef, beets, bell peppers, black beans, blackberries, black tea, bran, boysenberries, bread, broccoli, brown rice, Brussels sprouts, butter, butternut squash, basil
C – custard, chocolate, cantaloupe, carrots, cabbage, cashews, cauliflower, celery, chamomile tea, cheese, cottage cheese, cherries, chicken, chickpeas, chili peppers, chives, chocolate, cilantro, cinnamon, clams, coconut, coffee, crab, cranberries, cucumbers, cumin
D – dill
E – eggs, edamame
F – fennel, flaxseed, fried chicken
G – gummy bears and worms, Goldfish, gum, garlic, ginger, grapefruit, grapes, gravy, green beans, green onions, green tea, guacamole, gelato
H – hamburgers, honey, hummus, halibut, ham, herring, honey, honeydew melon, horseradish
I – ice cream, Italian ice
J – jalapeno peppers
K – kale, kefir, kelp, kidney beans, kiwifruit, kumquats
– lasagna, lunch meat, lentils, lemons, lemon bars, lavender, leeks, lima beans, liver, lingonberries, lobster
M – melons, macadamia nuts, mackerel, mangoes, marionberries, mayonnaise, milk, mint, molasses, mustard, mushrooms
N – navy beans
O – oatmeal, oats, olive oil, olives, onions, oranges, oysters
P – papaya, paprika, parsley, passion fruit, peaches, peanuts, peanut butter, pears, peas, pepperoni, peppermint, pesto, pickles, pineapple, pinto beans, pistachio nuts, plums, pomegranates, pork, Portobello mushrooms, potato chips, potatoes, poultry, powdered sugar, prickly pears, protein bar, prunes, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, pizza
Q – Quaker’s Quisp cereal
R – rice, raspberries, red beans, red cabbage, ribs, rhubarb, roast beef, rye bread
S – sweet potatoes, sage, saffron, salmon, salt, sandwich, sardines, scallions, scallops, sausage, sauerkraut, seaweed, sesame seeds, shallots, shellfish, shitake mushrooms, shrimp, snails, snap peas, soybeans, spaghetti squash, spearmint, spinach, split peas, squash, steak, strawberries, string beans, sugar, sugar beets, sugar snap peas, summer squash, sunflower seeds, sweet peas, sweet peppers, sweet pickles, swordfish, spaghetti
T – Tic Tacs, Tabasco sauce, tahini, tangerines, tea, tofu, tomatoes, turkey
V – vegetables, veal, vinegar
W – watermelon, walnuts, wasabi, white beans, white button mushrooms, whole wheat bread, winter squash
Y – yogurt, yams
Z – zucchini
Does this food have more than one name or shape?  (i.e. pasta has many different shapes and names)
Which food item is your favorite?
Draw a picture of your favorite food.
What do you have to do to prepare it for eating?
 What kind of food is this?  Protein, carbohydrate, or fat?
Where does this food belong on the food pyramid?
How much is one serving of this food?
What nutrients are in this food item? (vitamins and minerals)
Have you ever grown this food in your own garden? If so, what kinds of foods did you grow and did you eat them?
Craft Idea: Draw or print the food pyramid or USDA’s plate, then laminate and use as a placemat


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