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Science and Mathmatics A to Z

It can be really fun to fill the summer up with learning, especially about science and math.  Many local community education programs and science museums offer camps based on science and experiments.  A fun book to read is Mathemagic – Number Tricks by Lydia Colgan. Here are a few websites that provide all kinds of easy science experiments and projects:

– aviation/airplanes, anatomy, astronomy, algebra, atmosphererics, aerodynamics, anthropology, archeology
B – behavioral science, biology, biotechnology
C – computer science, civil engineering, chemistry
D – digital photography
E – earth and environmental science, environmental engineering, energy and power, electricity and electronics
F – food science, full moon
G – genetics, genomics, geometry, geology, geography
H – human behavior, human biology and health, hydrodynamics
L – life science
M – mathematics, mammalian biology, medical biotechnology, micro biology, mechanical engineering, materials science, music, medicine
N – nutrition, nuclear science
O – ocean sciences
P – plant biology, planets, physics, photography, physics, psychology, pharmaceuticals, paleontology
S – sociology, sports science, social science
T – transportation, track and field
V – volcanology
W – weather (meterology)
Z – zoology
Questions to Answer:

What is this field of science concerned about?
When was it originated?
Was there a particular person or group of people who started this field?
Do you know anyone who works in this field and is an expert?
What inspired them to pursue this field of science?
Are there any books or movies that highlight this field of science?


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