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Autoimmune Diseases/Disorders

Effects of Auto-immune Diseases in the Workplace (YouTube CNBC Africa)

Autoimmune diseases fact sheet from

American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, Inc.
“AARDA’s mission is the eradication of autoimmune diseases and the alleviation of the suffering and socioeconomic impact of autoimmunity through initiating, fostering, and facilitating collaboration in research, education, advocacy and patient services in an effective, ethical, and efficient manner.”

Their statistics on autoimmune disease

Manage Your Job and an Autoimmune Disease

JAN's Accommodation and Compliance Series is designed to help employers determine effective accommodations and comply with Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Each publication in the series addresses a specific medical condition and provides information about the condition, ADA information, accommodation ideas, and resources for additional information.

For other conditions, search Accommodation and Compliance Series and add name of disability

Worker steps and strategies

Education World: Autoimmune diseases hit teachers hard

A perfectionist's view of autoimmune disease
“We’re constantly putting women up against standards they can’t possibly meet. When you can’t be the ideal wife, mother, girlfriend, teacher, cook, church volunteer, corporate executive and activist at 20 pounds below your healthy body weight, what’s left but to silently (and subconsciously) hate yourself because you’re not perfect?”

Working when you have an autoimmune disease

Autoimmune Barbie blog post with her advice on how to approach the work task

What Selena Gomez's lupus diagnosis means for her career

Venus Williams: The champion trying to slam Sjogren's syndrome

Gathered by PH 10/31/2015, 10:05 AM

Work absences and expenditures for employees with autoimmune inflammatory diseases.
J Occup Environ Med. 2012 Oct;54(10):1268-74. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e31825a36a0.

It Hurts To Work, But Shopping Is No Problem pdf:
Conclusion: This paper has explored the way two informants with rheumatoid arthritis accounted for their respective employment outcomes in terms of the tensions between trust and trouble. Much as both informants wished to discount the significance of their physical differentness, it structured their relationships to the world of work in a new and problematic way. It is not simply that the insistence on minimizing the impact of impairment gives a lopsided picture: my findings have indicated how deeply the body (and the self) are implicated in wider structures, so that notions of environments as 'things out there' to be manipulated in the interests of integrating disabled people at work are highly misleading.
A brief look at a Canadian who copes with psoriasis and working

 Scleroderma and  work challenge.html
The work environment provided the participants with opportunities and challenges, and work was often accomplished through workplace accommodations. Most of the participants in the study were successfully employed, in part, because they had a work environment that facilitated their desire to remain employed; they found ways to balance the needs of their illness with the demands of their career, and they performed work that was acceptable to or at least manageable for their employer.

Gathered by PH 11/1/2015, 4 PM

Food allergies and university students’ settlement

 IBM and worker with autoimmune disease
More on same case

Gathered by PH 11/7/2015, 6:24 PM


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